Foot Massage Tips

Here are 5 foot massage tips. Ever wish you could give your partner a great foot massage? With these five foot massage tips and a little practice, your partner will think you are a master massage therapist!

1. Clean and dry the feet. The first tip is to clean and dry the feet before you begin your massage. Wash feet in a foot bowl or bath with warm water. Dry them thoroughly in a warm towel. This helps to relax and reduce the sensitivity of the feet!

2. Allow the foot massage recipient to get comfy. The person receiving the foot massage should be either in a reclining chair or lying down. This tip will allow the person receiving the massage to become relaxed, comfortable and ready to enjoy his/her massage.

3. Massage the feet with creams, oils, or lotions. This third foot massage tip will allow any massage techniques to glide across the foot. It will also appeal to the sense of smell of both parties. Put a generous amount in the palm of your hand and rub together to make warm before applying to the feet.

4. Warm up the feet for the foot massage. This massage tip will help get them warmed up for their massage. Gently shake the toes, bend the foot back and forth beginning at the base of the big toe, and place both palms at both side of the ankles and apply circular motion to get the blood flowing. This is a great way to get ready for whatever techniques you will be incorporating in your foot massage.

5. Communicate with the foot massage recipient. This is the fifth and final tip, but a vital one. During your massage, ask how the techniques and trigger pressure is making your partner feel. By doing this you will be able to increase pleasure and please the recipient. This will make the foot massage feel enjoyable on both ends of the table.

If, for whatever reason, you are not getting the massage that you deserve, contact Massage By Terrah Banakas today and schedule your appointment.

Source: MadeMan