5 Reasons NOT To Get A Massage

My job as a massage therapist is to educate you on why it’s important for you and your body to receive a massage on a regular basis. For the past year, I have taken the time to teach you about the benefits of massage and described how each massage type can specifically benefit you.

Today I’m going to change things up a bit and give you 5 reasons why you should NOT get a massage:

  • Illness, nausea, or fever – a good reason to avoid a massage. I don’t want to get sick, plus, they may point to a more serious problem. Massage affects the metabolic processes in your body and may hurt you more than it can help you.
  • Rash – a massage could spread an infection, both on your body or onto me.
  • Sunburn – need I say more? Ouch!
  • Surgical procedures and injuries require a doctor’s attention more than mine. Please visit with your doctor before coming to see me. If you’ve had a recent surgery, I need to know about it, no matter how small or large. Massage can have counter effects to injuries and surgeries.
  • Serious inflammation – massage will probably cause more harm than good. Visit your doctor, take a few weeks for the inflammation to heal, then we’ll talk.

Other than educating you on how massage is beneficial to you and your body, it is also my job to make you feel good. If you are experiencing any of the items above, I won’t be able to help you. I want you to get better, and once that’s done, then come and see me.

If you already have an appointment with me and you do find that you are not feeling well, please let me know as soon as possible, so we can reschedule and I can open your appointment to someone else.